This dramatic image of a red-tailed hawk with its prey, a mink, is proof of the existence of minks on Fishers Island. The mink population here is described as “vibrant”.


Bill Colman captured this image of an osprey hunting for fish July 20, 2018 at a dock owned by his in-laws, Bob and Margot Meyer. The picture was taken with a Nikon D800 camera.

Southold Town, which includes Fishers Island, Plum Island and Robins Island, has the densest population of breeding ospreys in eastern Long Island. In 2018, Andrew Edwards used a drone to record 34 fledglings in 17 active nests on Fishers Island.


Max Soper shot this video of a few pods of dolphins Aug. 4, 2018 in Fishers Island Sound, with Hay Harbor in the background, and shared his exciting observation with FIConservancy. Island Sentinel Gardner Thors was also aboard to confirm sighting.

Although locally reported sightings are relatively rare, common dolphins have been seen in Long Island Sound with increasing regularity since 2009. Observers say they are venturing farther north for big schools of prey fish: Silver-and-yellow Atlantic menhaden (often called “bunker”) form schools by the thousands and are a favorite target for dolphin, porpoise and humpback whales.

Dolphins typically swim 2-4 mph but can reach speeds of 20 mph for brief periods. Coastal dolphins typically do not hold their breath for more than five minutes, which makes for good viewing.


Non-native Eurasian oleander aphids (Aphis nerii) coat pod of milkweed plant. Dianne Crary Photo

Dianne Crary observed this infestation of oleander aphids on her sister Jane Crary’s milkweed plants. Although spiders and ladybugs eat these aphids, there was no time to wait, because milkweed is the preferred food of monarch butterfly caterpillars.

“How can I control aphids on my milkweed?” is one of the most common questions posed by butterfly gardeners.

Dianne removed them by hand, squishing them or spraying them with soapy water. Check your milkweed plants often for aphids to remove them before an infestation gets a foothold.


“So creative!” “So well done!” “What a wonderful afternoon!” These were just a few of the comments heard as people left FIConservancy’s first-ever “Conservation on Parade” Sat. Aug. 11 at the Parade Grounds.


This August, Island Sentinels assist me in monitoring Hay Harbor.
Here, Marc Rosenberg documents scarring within seagrass beds.

This stewardship helps to further support & establish a Fishers Island Seagrass Management Coalition along with Henry L. Ferguson Museum and The Nature Conservancy, Long Island.

Way to go Sentinels!”


Video Snippet, From the Field, Justine Kibbe, Aug. 10, 2018

Doug Tallamy Sunset

University of Delaware entomologist, Doug Tallamy spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of over 350 people at FIConservancy’s 2018 Sunset on the Beach Sat. July 21, 2018 at the Fishers Island Club’s Beach Club.

nature days

Conservation on Parade

FIConservancy’s Nature Days is back! This year, enjoy a Free Family Event Sat. Aug. 11, 3-6 p.m. at the Parade Grounds. Enter through the Demonstration Garden.

Learn about local wildlife through hands-on discovery. Have an up-close visit with a bird of prey, touch turtles and snakes, meet frogs, see and touch feathers, furs and many other natural items.

Don’t miss the ice cream truck, and stop by for wine, beer and lemonade.



Cecropia moth
cecropia moth

Cecropia moth, early morning. Dianne Crary Photo

The Cecropia moth, largest moth in the eastern U.S., made a surprise appearance on Fishers Island July 3, 2018. Dianne Crary was out for a morning walk and spotted the stunning moth on the needles of a yew shrub on Lucinda Herrick’s property.

Adam Mitchell, University of Delaware PhD candidate has encountered Cecropia caterpillars on the Island, but not the adults. “This moth is a female, so she was probably laying eggs for the next generation nearby,” Mr. Mitchell said. “They feed on a lot of different plants, but cherry, birch and sugar maple will likely be the host plants on Fishers.

Cecropia moth, late afternoon. Lucinda Herrick Photo

“Unfortunately, this species of moth is in decline, due to a parasitic fly that was initially released to handle gypsy moths. They also suffer from the loss of native host plants.

“Although caterpillars appear to have spikes on their body, they do not sting. Caterpillars will move to the base of host plants and form silken bag cocoons, where they will overwinter.”

osprey fledglings

osprey fledglings

The osprey population on Fishers Island continues to grow. Andrew Edwards used a drone to count the number of fledglings in nests this year.