Scurry Up & Wait


Ask any Chipmunk-“Time and tide waits for no man”.*

I find myself mimicking the essential rhythm of seasonal change especially as the last of lengthy shadows follow me and precede winter.

Hibernation – the slowing down of activities and conserving energies has my bicycle resting on its kickstand by 3:00 pm and my gloveless palms wrapped around a hot “cuppa” minutes later. Timers for indoor lighting are reluctantly readjusted and the 7pm ferry horn wears on my nerves….slightly.

Begin to take note: Cormorants and Canada Geese vying for V formation now appear to head south over Wilderness Point. Voracious and vocal Cardinals, Jays, and Chickadees fluttering between piney branch behind Naval fencing. The peculiar scent of trailing Ladybugs sneaks and rests into sunny corners of a windowpane in the Community Center.

Meanwhile, a mainland Chipmunk reaps a harvest of berries, seed and nut; then pauses-a  slow, swirling maple leaf beckons the both of us to seek refuge and burrow. 
