
Downy Woodpecker forager by Justine Kibbe

Downy woodpecker enjoys Sunday “Branch”.

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 25, 2018

Red-bellied Woodpecker by Justine Kibbe

Red-bellied Woodpecker finding ants…

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, Nov. 6, 2018

Downy Drummer woodpecker by Justine Kibbe

This woodpecker snippet appears “wobbly” I know. But I wanted to share with folks just how filled with bird chatter the mornings on Fishers Island can be!

Up east on the bike path I quickly hopped off to catch this Downy drumming fiercely. These birds audibly mark their nesting territory during breeding season.

On such a quiet Sunday morning I could hear its rival pecking away down the road within woods by Chocomount.

– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 15, 2018