The commercial fishing vessel, “All for Joy”, capsized south of the Race March 10 and eventually came to rest at the mouth of Hay Harbor, leaking fuel that reached Fishers Island. Two fishermen were rescued unharmed. (Jane T. Ahrens Photo)


According to Brett Molina in a USA Today article published February 12, 2019: “More than 40 percent of the world’s insect species could go extinct over the next several decades leading […]

FIConservancy has installed a new maintenance shed behind the Movie Theater.

Bill Colman and his family caught a glimpse of a barred owl on Crescent Avenue, Thanksgiving (2018) evening.

Arctic cold

Arctic Cold on Fishers Island!

moon lunar eclipse

West End, Fishers Island *see you again in 2021 From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 20, 2019

blue moon

SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON: Total lunar eclipse Jan. 19, 2019.

Carolina chickadees by Desiree Narango

A Must Read! This wonderfully “timely” article mentions Dr. Doug Tallamy, founder of “Neighborhood Nestwatch” and whose collaborative research with Fishers Island Conservancy has been monumental for land preservation here […]