Oak | Fagaceae | Quercus | YES | 557 |
Willow | Salicaceae | Salix | YES | 456 |
Cherry, Plum | Rosaceae | Prunus | YES | 456 |
Birch | Betulaceae | Betula | YES | 413 |
Poplar, Cottonwood | Salicaceae | Populus | NO | 368 |
Crabapple | Rosaceae | Malus | YES | 311 |
Maple, Box Elder | Aceraceae | Acer | YES | 297 |
Blueberry, Cranberry | Ericaceae | Vaccinium | YES | 294 |
Alder | Betulaceae | Alnus | YES | 255 |
Hickory | Juglandaceae | Carya | YES | 235 |
Elm | Ulmaceae | Ulmus | YES | 215 |
Pine | Pinaceae | Pinus | YES | 201 |
Hawthorn | Rosaceae | Crataegus | YES | 168 |
Raspberry, blackberry, dewberry | Rosaceae | Rubus | YES | 163 |
Spruce | Pinacea | Picea | NO | 150 |
White Ash | Oleaceae | Fraxinus | YES | 149 |
American Basswood | Tiliaceae | Tilia | YES | 149 |
Pear | Rosaceae | Pyrus | no | 138 |
Rose | Rosaceae | Rosa | YES | 135 |
Hazel | Corylaceae | Corylus | YES | 131 |
Walnut | Juglandaceae | Juglans | YES | 129 |
Chestnuts | Fagaceae | Castanea | YES | 127 |
Beech | Fagaceae | Fagus | YES | 127 |
Shadbush, Shadwood, Shadblow, Serviceberry | Rosaceae | Amelanchier | YES | 124 |
Larch | Pinaceae | Larix | NO | 121 |
Dogwood | Cornaceae | Cornus | YES | 118 |
Fir | Pinaceae | Abies | NO | 117 |
Bayberry, Bay Rum Tree, Candleberry, Sweet Gale, Wax-Mrytle | Myricaceae | Myrica | YES | 106 |
Viburnum | Adoxaceae | Viburnum | YES | 104 |
Blackcurrant, Whitecurrant, Redcurrant, Gooseberry | Grossulariaceae | Ribes | NO | 99 |
Hophorbeam | Betulaceae | Ostrya | YES | 94 |
Hemlock | Pinaceae | Tsuga | NO | 92 |
| Rosaceae | Spiraea | YES | 89 |
Grapevines | Vitaceae | Vitis | YES | 79 |
Douglas Fir | Pinaceae | Pseudotsuga | NO | 76 |
Locust | Fabaceae | Robinia | YES | 72 |
Hornbeam | Carpinus | Carpinus | YES | 68 |
Whitebeam, Rowan, Service Tree, Mountain Ash | Rosaceae | Sorbus | NO | 65 |
Sweetfern | Myricaceae | Comptonia | | 64 |
Witchhazel | Hamamelidaceae | Hamamelis | YES | 63 |
Sumac | Anacardiaceae | Rhus | YES | 58 |
Rhododendron | Ericaceae | Rhododendron | NO | 51 |
Arborvitae | Cupressaceae | Thuja | NO | 50 |
Ebony, Persimmon | Ebenaceae | Diospyros | YES | 46 |
Locust | Fabaceae | Gleditsia | NO | 46 |
California Lilac, Mountain Lilac, Wild Lilac, Buckbrush | Rhamnaceae | Ceanothus | NO | 45 |
Planes or Plane Trees | Platanaceae | Platuns | YES | 45 |
Huckleberry | Ericaceae | Gaylussacia | YES | 44 |
Hackberries | Ulmaceae | Celtis | YES | 43 |
Junipers | Cupressaceae | Juniperus | YES | 42 |
Elder, Elderberry | Adoxaceae | Sambucus | YES | 42 |
Ninebark | Rosaceae | Physocarpus | NO | 41 |
Lilac | Oleaceae | Syringa | NO | 40 |
Holly | Aquifoliaceae | Ilex | YES | 39 |
Sassafras | Lauraceae | Sassafras | YES | 38 |
Honeysuckle (Coral Honeysuckle is the only Native*) | Caprifoliaceae | Lonicera | YES* | 37 |
Sweetgum | Altingiaceae | Liquidambar | YES | 35 |
Lambkill, sheep-laurel, calf-kill, sheep-poson, Spoonwood | Ericaceae | Kalmia | YES | 33 |
Buckeye, Horse Chestnut | Hippocastanaceae | Aesculus | NO | 33 |
Virginia Creeper | Vitaceae | Parthenocissus | YES | 32 |
Red Robin | Rosaceae | Photinia | YES | 29 |
Tupelo, Black Gum, Pepperidge Tree, | Cornaceae or Nyssaceae | Nyssa | YES | 26 |
Snowberry, Waxberry, Ghostberry | Caprifoliaceae | Symphoricarpos | NO | 25 |
Quince | Rosaceae | Cydonia | NO | 24 |
Privet | Oleaceae | Ligustrum | NO | 24 |
Buffaloberries, Bullberries | Elaeagnaceae | Shepherdia | NO | 22 |
Tulip Tree | Magnoliaceae | Liriodendron | YES | 21 |
Magnolia (Sweet Bay is the only Native*) | Magnoliaceae | Magnolia | YES* | 21 |
Buttonbush | Rubiaceae | Cephalanthus | YES | 19 |
Redbuds | Fabaceae | Cercis | YES | 19 |
Catbriers, Greenbriers | Smilacaceae | Smilax | YES | 19 |
Wisteria | Fabaceae | Wisteria | NO | 19 |
Avocado | Lauraceae | Persea | NO | 18 |
Manzanita, Bearberries | Ericaceae | Arctostaphylos | NO | 17 |
Castor Oil Plant | Euphorbiaceae | Ricinus | NO | 16 |
Chinese Swamp Cypress | Cupressaceae | Taxodium | NO | 16 |
Leatherleaf | Ericaceae | Chamaedaphne | NO | 15 |
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Lacquer Tree | Anarcardiaceae | Toxicodendron | YES | 15 |
Sourwood, Sorrel Tree | Ericaceae | Oxydendrum | NO | 14 |
Porcelainberry | Vitaceae | Ampelopsis | NO | 13 |
Madrone (Strawberry Tree) | Ericaceae | Arbutus | NO | 12 |
Pawpaw | Annonaceae | Asimina | YES | 12 |
Barberry | Berberidaceae | Berberis | NO | 12 |
Acacia, Thorntree Wattle | Fabaceae | Acacia | NO | 11 |
Spindle Tree | Celastraceae | Euonymus | NO | 11 |
Alder Buckthorn | Rhamnaceae | Frangula | NO | 11 |
Spicewood, Spicebush, Benjamin Bush | Lauraceae | Lindera | YES | 11 |
Staggerbush | Ericaceae | Lyonia | NO | 11 |
Caragana, Pea Tree | Fabaceae | Caragana | NO | 10 |
Sweet Pepperbush | Clethraceae | Clethra | YES | 10 |
Buckthorn | Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus | YES | 10 |
Pyracantha | Rosaceae | Pyracantha | NO | 9 |
Mulberry | Moraceae | Morus | NO | 9 |
Silverberry, Oleaster | Elaeagnaceae | Elaeagnus | NO | 9 |
Quince | Rosaceae | Chaenomeles | NO | 8 |
Brooms | Fabaceae | Cytisus | NO | 8 |
Ficus | Moraceae | Ficus | NO | 8 |
Catalpa, Catawba | Bignoniaceae | Catalpa | NO | 8 |
Cypress, False Cypress | Cupressaceae | Chamaecyparis | YES | 8 |
Fringetree | Oleaceae | Chionanthus | YES | 8 |
Osage-Orange | Moraceae | Maclura | NO | 8 |
Yew | Taxaceae | Taxus | NO | 8 |
Cypress | Cupressaceae | Cupressus | NO | 7 |
Bog Rosemary | Ericaceae | Andromeda (Polifolia) | NO | 7 |
Trumpet creeper, Trumpet Vine | Bignoniaceae | Campsis | YES | 7 |
Bittersweet, Staff Vine, Staff Tree, | Celastraceae | Celastrus | NO | 7 |
Silverbell, Snowdrop Tree | Styracaceae | Halesia | YES | 7 |
Labrador Tea | Ericaceae | Ledum | YES | 7 |
Tree of Heaven | Simaroubaceae | Ailanthus | NO | 6 |
Clematis (Clematis Virginiana is the only Native*) | Ranunculaceae | Clematis | YES* | 6 |
Hoptree | Rutaceae | Ptelea | YES | 6 |
Prickly-Ash, Hercules' Club | Rutaceae | Zanthoxylum | YES | 6 |
Silk Plants, Silk Trees, Sirises | Fabaceae | Albizia | NO | 5 |
Ginkgo | Ginkgoaceae | Ginkgo | NO | 5 |
Waterwillow, Swamp Loosestrife | Lythraceae | Decodon | YES | 5 |
Bush Honeysuckle | Caprifoliaceae | Diervilla | YES | 5 |
Kentucky Coffee Tree | Fabaceae | Gymnocladus | NO | 5 |
Hydrangea (Hydrangea Macrophila is the only Native*) | Hydrangeaceae | Hyrdrangea | YES | 5 |
Smoketree, Smokebush | Anacardiaceae | Cotinus | NO | 4 |
Centipedegrass | Poaceae | Eremochloa | YES | 4 |
Fetter-bush, Coastal Leucothoe, Doghobble | Ericaceae | Leucothoe | NO | 4 |
Mock-Orange | Hydrangeaceae | Philadelphus | NO | 4 |
Mistletoes | Viscaceae | Phoradendron | YES | 4 |
Eucalyptus | Sapotaceae | Sideroxylon | NO | 4 |
Cedar | Pinaceae | Cedrus | NO | 3 |
Grape Ivy, Treebine, Kangaroo Vine | Vitaceae | Cissus | NO | 3 |
Chinese Cotoneaster | Rosaceae | Cotoneaster | NO | 3 |
Ivy | Araliaceae | Hedera | NO | 3 |
Crepe Myrtle, Crape Myrtle | Lythraceae | Lagerstroemia | NO | 3 |
Myrtle | Myrtaceae | Mytrus | NO | 3 |
Tamarisk, Salt Cedar | Tamaricaceae | Tamarix | NO | 3 |
| Hydra | Deutzia | NO | 2 |
Lavender | Lamiaceae | Lavandula | YES | 2 |
Box-thorn, Desert-thorn, Wolfberry | Solanaceae | Lycium | NO | 2 |
| Meliaceae | Melia | NO | 2 |
Floxglove Tree | Paulowniaceae | Paulownia | NO | 2 |
| | Phuenix | NO | 2 |
| Gabaceae | Sophora | NO | 2 |
False Spiraea | Rosaceae | Sorbaria | NO | 2 |
| Caprifoliaceae | Weigela | NO | 2 |
Sweetshrub | Calycanthaceae | Calycanthus | NO | 2 |
| Ericaceae | Gaultheria | NO | 2 |
| Lauraceae | Litsea | NO | 2 |
| Ericaceae | Menziesia | NO | 2 |
Andromedas, Fetterbushes | Ericaceae | Pieris | NO | 2 |
Bladdernut | Staphyleaceae | Staphylea | NO | 2 |
| Caprifoliaceae | Abelia | NO | 1 |
Bamboo | Poeceae | Bambusa | NO | 1 |
Paper Mulberry | Moraceae | Broussonetia | NO | 1 |
Butterfly Bush | Scrophulariaceae | Buddleja | NO | 1 |
Boxwood | Buxaceae | Buxus | NO | 1 |
Heather | Ericaceae | Calluna | NO | 1 |
Camellia | Theaceae | Camellia | NO | 1 |
Glorybower, Bagflower, Bleeding Heart | Lamiaceae | Clerodendrum | NO | 1 |
| Fabaceae | Colutea | NO | 1 |
Forsythia | Oleaceae | Forsythia | NO | 1 |
| Sapindaceae | Koelreuteria | NO | 1 |
Golden Chain | Faboideae | Laburnum | NO | 1 |
Bamboo | Poaceae | Phyllostachys | NO | 1 |
Trifoliate Orange | Rut | Poncirus | NO | 1 |
Epaulette Tree | Styracaceae | Pterostyrax | NO | 1 |
Milktrees | Euphorbiaceae | Sapium | NO | 1 |
Bamboo | Poaceae | Thamnocalamus | NO | 1 |
| Apocynaceae | Vincetoxicum | NO | 1 |
Beautyberry | Lamiaceae | Callicarpa | NO | 1 |
Leatherwood | Thymelaeceae | Dirca | YES | 1 |
Sand Mrytle | Ericaceae | Lelophyllum | NO | 1 |
Moonseed | Menispermaceae | Menispermum | YES | 1 |
Baby Blue Eyes, Five Spot | Hydrophyllaceae | Nemophila | NO | 1 |
Devilwood | Oleaceae | Osmanthus | NO | 1 |
Stewartia | Theaceae | Stewartia | NO | 1 |
Dawn Redwood | Cupressaceae | Metasequoia | NO | 0 |
Chasetree | Lamiaceae | Vitex | NO | 0 |
| Fabaceae | Ceratonia | NO | 0 |
Katsura | Cercidiphyllaceae | Cercidiphyllum | NO | 0 |
Pearl Bush | Rosaceae | Exochorda | NO | 0 |
| Sterculiaceae | Firmiana | NO | 0 |
| Malvaceae | Gerwia | NO | 0 |
Prickly Castor Oil Tree | Araliaceae | Kalopanax | NO | 0 |
| Rosaceae | Kerria | NO | 0 |
Beauty Bush | Caprifoliaceae | Kolkwitzia | NO | 0 |
Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo, Sacred Bambo | Berberidaceae | Nandina | NO | 0 |
Cork Tree | Rutaceae | Phellodendron | NO | 0 |
Bamboo | Poaceae | Pseudosasa | NO | 0 |
Jetbead | Rosaceae | Rhodotypos | NO | 0 |
| Rosaceae | Stephanandra | NO | 0 |
| Faboideae | Styphnolobium | NO | 0 |
Euodia, Evodia, Bee Bee Tree | Rutaceae | Tetradium | NO | 0 |
| Meliaceae | Toona | NO | 0 |
| Ulmaceae | Zelkova | NO | 0 |
Mountain Fringe | Papaveraceae | Adlumia | NO | 0 |
Dwarf Mistletoes | Santalaceae | Arceuthobium | NO | 0 |
| Rhamnaceae | Berchemia | NO | 0 |
Seaside Tansies | Asteraceae | Borrichia | NO | 0 |
Yellowwood | Fabaceae | Cladrastis | YES | 0 |
Crowberry | Ericaceae | Empetrum | YES | 0 |
| Ericaceae | Eubotry | YES | 0 |
| Iteaceae | Itea | YES | 0 |
| | Loiseleuria | NO | 0 |
Conjurer's Nut, India Olive | Santalaceae | Nestronia | NO | 0 |
Storax, Snowbell, Benzoin | Styracaceae | Styrax | | 0 |
Yellowroot | Ranunculaceae | Xanthorhiza | YES | 0 |
Honeycup | Ericaceae | Zenobia | NO | 0 |