Bobbing Bufflehead

A blustery day with Bufflehead noted deep inside Hay Harbor, Fishers Island. These energetic ducks bob and preen, dive and feed again and again…

Spider Crab Molting Season

Tens of Thousands of crustacean shells shed from the Common Spider crab wash ashore on the south western tip of Fishers Island and Naturalist discovers the “motherload”!

Autumn of Our Content

Hungry Point seals somehow seem to exude quietude this calm moment captured within Fishers Island Sound…

Hay Harbor's Local Green Heron

These balmy September mornings I find a returning Green Heron either resting dockside or sneaking in and out of walled crevices on Tennis Racquet Island with plenty of fishing in between flights.

Sultry summer’s swallows sit, swoop, and soar, crickets sing, while South sands shift and Parade Ground crow ring this hazy – even lazy day on Fishers Island.

Short-billed Dowitcher's Brunch

Displaying their breeding plumage, Short-billed Dowitcher’s pick through thick seaweed berms at low tide.

Make Way For Ducklings Dive

Common Eider teach their ducklings diving technique along healthy eelgrass meadows surrounding the northeast end of Fishers Island.