Birders gather May 8 in the John Thatcher Native Garden next to Movie Theater. Tom Sargent Photo

Sunday, May 8 was a great day for birding! Dr. Adam Mitchell of Tarleton State University led a group of enthusiastic volunteers who counted birds from the West End to the East End of Fishers Island, following Audubon Bird Count rules.

“We observed a total of 52 species during the migration count, and 58 species overall for the weekend.” Dr. Mitchell said. “To put that in perspective, the average migration count over the past eight years is 47 in the spring and 39 in the fall.

“According to (a great migration tool!), however, the predicted overall migration rate for birds this spring was low. The late spring, compounded by cold and windy weather, kept many of our overwintering and migrant birds on the Island.

“More recent migrants, like warblers, vireos and other passerines (perching birds), were  forced to wait out our recent storm front by hiding in the dense undergrowth, rather than gleaning from the exposed tree branches, so our detection on these birds was likely to be fairly low.

“Of note was the unusual amount of brown-headed cowbirds in the mix,” Dr. Mitchell said. “It’s possible that these migrants were blown in from the storm. The bird count list is below:

American black duck

American crow

American goldfinch

American robin

Baltimore oriole

Barn swallow

Black-and-white warbler

Black-capped chickadee

Blackburnian warbler

Blue-winged warbler

Brown-headed cowbird

Blue-gray gnatcatcher

Blue jay

Canada goose

Carolina wren

Chimney swift

Chipping sparrow

Common eider

Common grackle

Common loon

Common raven

Common tern

Dark-eyed junco

Double-crested cormorant

Downey woodpecker

Eastern towhee

European starling

Fish crow

Gray catbird

Great black-backed gull

Great egret

Herring gull

House finch

House sparrow

House wren



Mourning dove

Mute swan

Northern cardinal

Northern flicker

Northern harrier

Northern parula


Red-bellied woodpecker

Red-tailed hawk

Red-winged blackbird

Ring-necked pheasant

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Ruby-throated hummingbird

Song sparrow

Tufted titmouse

Tree swallow

Turkey vulture

White-breasted nuthatch

White-throated sparrow

Yellow-rumped warbler

Yellow warbler

Mark your calendars for the 2022 Spring Bird Count Sunday, May 8, 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

E.O. Wilson (pictured in 2003). The Royal Swedish Academy, which awards Nobel Prizes, awarded Wilson the Crafoord Prize, an award in biosciences and geosciences not included in Nobel Prize categories. 

E.O. Wilson, considered the father of biodiversity and “Darwin’s heir”, died Dec. 26, 2021 at the age of 92.

Dr. Wilson was one of the most distinguished American scientists in modern history and devoted his life to studying the natural world, becoming the world authority on ants and later focusing on the critical link between conserving functional ecosystems and the survival of all species on our planet.

As a young student, University of Delaware entomologist Doug Tallamy, FIConservancy’s mentor for transforming our tangled Parade Grounds into rolling meadows, met and was inspired by “E.O.”

“My work studying native plants and insects, and how crucial they are to food webs, was inspired by Wilson’s eloquent descriptions of biodiversity and how the myriad interactions among species create the conditions that enable the very existence of such species,” Tallamy wrote in a thoughtful and heartfelt tribute to E.O.Wilson.

Read Doug Tallamy’s Tribute to E.O. Wilson:

Restored grassland at Parade Grounds.

While the pandemic continues to present challenges for the Conservancy, overall things have returned to a somewhat normal state. We have been able to get back to our mission of preserving and protecting the natural environment of Fishers Island. We could not be more pleased.

Tom Sargent

After our schedules had been hobbled in 2020 due to the pandemic, 2021 was much less restricted as vaccines became available early this year. As a result, were able to return to our annual burn in the Parade Grounds in March. Fishers Island Fire Department volunteers activated our prescribed burn plan, and it went off without a hitch. What a sight to see several acres crackling and hissing, flames reaching high into the sky. As fast as it started, it was over. The prescribed burn is a critical part of our Parade Grounds maintenance. It releases natural nitrogen into the soil and clears woody underbrush, leaving a healthy grassland habitat for several species of ground nesting birds. I can’t thank the entire FI Fire Department enough for their experience and guidance in this annual ritual.

Still pressed with the pandemic, we were unable to operate our “weed team” of graduate students from the University of Delaware (UD). We are in current conversations, however, with Professors Tallamy and Mitchell and expect to have a full complement in place for next season. While we missed our UD team, the slack was picked up via our Island Sentinels program run by Stephanie Hall. We had a record number of participants in our student scientist program, and they took hundreds of readings at multiple sites across the Island. We are currently collecting and collating this data, which will be available to the public as trend lines become apparent as to the health and vibrancy of the Island’s unique habitats.

The Conservancy held both Spring and Fall Migratory Bird Counts according to Audubon standards. We were able to bring back our scientist birders, Emily Baisden and Will Almeida. Both counts were well attended. On a happy note, we observed the highest number of birds at locations with the least number of invasive plant species, but now we have to quantify it with the science. Along these lines, I would like to suggest a title for a little winter reading, A World on the Wing by Scott Weidensaul. The author explores the only-recently understood odyssey of migratory birds, many of whom use this little tuft of refuge as a brief stop to rest and refuel before continuing their several-thousand-mile migratory journeys. This book illuminates the importance of native habitat—a subject not lost on our community.

Our two big summer events were back in force: Sunset on the Beach and Nature Days. We had record numbers of participants at both events. I think the pent-up demand to get out, see people and celebrate our beautiful Island was overwhelming. I want to thank our Executive Director Kristen Peterson, our Sunset Sponsors and all the volunteers for making these two events so special for the Conservancy and for the Island Community. We at the Conservancy are deeply grateful to our friends and supporters for all you do to keep this organization humming. Thank you!

As we enter the quiet time of late fall, and the last of the warblers have left for warmer climes, please remember that a gift to the Fishers Island Conservancy is a gift to Fishers Island.

Cheers, Tom

FIConservancy launched its first community marine debris program this summer, and it was a great success. Thank you to all you participated!

The destructive spotted lanternfly: Wings open and wings closed.

Be on the lookout for the colorful but treacherous spotted lanternfly (SLF). Relatively new to the U.S., it is an invasive insect from China that is known to feed on 70 different types of plants and trees. SLF adults emerge in July and are active until the first hard frost.

This insect was first spotted in Pennsylvania in 2014, and by July 2021 had spread to about half of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, eastern Ohio and Indiana.

Closer to home, the the SLF has been found in western Connecticut, parts of New York state, and on Sept. 29, Rhode Island reported a second credible sighting in West Greenwich, RI. This insect usually spreads by hopping rides on vehicles as they move from state to state.

The U.S. Dept of Agriculture has issued a thorough SLF Pest Alert pdf with information about the SLF and what you can do about it. If you see an SLF, take pictures and report it to New York State via its SLF reporting form. Scraping its grey egg masses from trees and man-made outdoor items is vital to slowing its spread. Egg masses can be double bagged and discarded, or placed in alcohol or bleach to kill them.

Indicating the significance of this dangerous pest, FIConservancy posted advance warnings about the SLF in 2018 and 2020.

Thanks for your help.

Bird watchers scan the skies looking for birds to include in the biannual migratory bird count on Fishers Island. Kristen Peterson Photo

Another glorious day on Fishers Island greeted bird watchers who participated in the Fall 2021 Migratory Bird Count, Sun. Sept. 19.

Thirty-nine species were recorded, which is slightly lower than the 45 species sighted in Fall 2019. (See list of bird species below.)

Following Audubon bird count rules, birders made 15 five-minute stops from West End to East End. At each timed stop, birders counted birds and called out what they saw.

Results from bird counts help scientists and conservation organizations chart bird populations and help us get a sense of the numbers of different bird species in our area.

We are fortunate that Fishers Island is on the Atlantic Flyway, a major north-south flyway for migratory birds in North America. Migrating songbirds descend on woods and thickets, along ponds and next to streams, to feed on the insects that fuel their migrations.

University of Delaware team of Emily Baisden and Will Aleida led the bird count and answered questions about migratory birds.

Species sighted in Fall 2021 Migratory Bird Count on Fishers Island:

American Kestrel, Black Crow, Blue Jay, Catbird, Cedar Waxwing, Chickadee, Chipping Sparrow, Cormorant, Connecticut Warbler, Downey Woodpecker, European Starling, Goldfinch, Herrier Hawk, Herring Gulls, House Wren or Marsh Wren, Marsh/Goshawk, Merlin, Mockingbird, Mourning Dove, Nighthawk, Northern Parula, Osprey, Phoebe, Raven, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Red-tailed Hawk, Ring Necked Pheasant, Robin, Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Song Sparrow, Starling, Swainson’s Warbler, Towhee, Tree Sparrow, Tree Swallow, White Breasted Nuthatch, White Egret, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Yellow Throated Chickadee.


Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program is offering virtual training to become a First Responder on Fishers Island.

Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program is offering virtual training to become a First Responder on Fishers Island. First Responders are called to assist when animals are found in distress on the Island. The deadline for completing certification is October 10.

FIConservancy, working with the Animal Rescue Program, will store supplies on Fishers Island, should they be needed in case an animal is beached or requires transportation to the aquarium for care. (See picture of animal rescue supplies below.)

Sarah Callan, Assistant Manager of Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program welcomes potential volunteers:

There is no obligation. Start the process and watch the training video. It’s fine if you decide being a First Responder is not for you. You only become a responder in our system once you complete the quiz and sign up for our Google Classroom (details below).

There is no time commitment. When we receive an animal distress call on our hotline, we search our system for First Responders on Fishers Island. We will start calling our list of responders to see who is available. If you are, great! If you aren’t, no worries. We move on to the next person on our list. If you are available to respond, you will log the hours you volunteer for that day on our online “Better Impact” system.

It’s easy to get started:

First, click here to sign up on Mystic Aquarium’s new volunteer “Better Impact” database page.

Next, click here to view the training video.


The following links will take you to documents that explain the process in further detail:

Guide to becoming a First Responder

Important Dates


First responders are an integral part of our program. We look forward to having you on our team!

Sarah Callan
Assistant Manager, Animal Rescue Program
55 Coogan Boulevard
Mystic, Connecticut 06355
Office: 860-572-5955 x 134
Cell: 860-625-1169
Hotline: 860-572-5955 x 107

FIConservancy, working with the Animal Rescue Program, will store supplies on Fishers Island, should they be needed in case an animal is beached or requires transportation to the aquarium for care. Email FIConservancy’s Stephanie Hall ([email protected]) with questions, sightings or for assistance.




A live and virtual presentation September 18th by Save the Sound’s New York Natural Areas Coordinator Louise Harrison, co-hosted at the FI Movie Theater by the HLF Museum, the FIConservancy, and the FI Oyster Farm. Followed by a reception for in-person attendees.