Get ready for the extraordinary beauty along our Fishers Island Bike Path!
Please be safe – remember to wear your helmet and ring your bell…
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 23, 2018
Get ready for the extraordinary beauty along our Fishers Island Bike Path!
Please be safe – remember to wear your helmet and ring your bell…
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 23, 2018
This afternoon, Sanctuary of Sands:
Breeding pair of Least Terns sighted upon Critical Habitat recently recovered from red rock graffiti.
Note the Signs of the times-tread lightly, leash dogs.
I believe these birds are as pleased as I am!
~ Photos from the Field by Justine Kibbe June 21, 2018
I am so very grateful to see the Heart of Island Stewardship-a “speedy recovery”; red rock graffiti ALL picked-up in just a day!
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 8, 2018
PlPlease HELP remove the painted red rock Grafitti from South Beach, Fishers Island-Make the Message “Clear” For Island Stewardship!
A special thanks to Mason Horn, who provided the wire rock cage for collection and my Tribe at school for creating the laminated sign, and to Jim Ski who has offered to crush the rocks.
**Eastern tip of runway-Sanctuary of Sands.
– Audio Clip by Justine Kibbe June 5, 2018.
I sat in an unobtrusive spot on South Beach for just a few minutes to get this “snippet”…
This is the “alert” call of a nesting Killdeer.
*Please keep all dogs on leash these weeks.
*Please help support our Island and save critical and delicate shore bird habitat-Keep all vehicles off the Beach.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 31, 2018
I have resolved to thinking of Fishers Island as a National Maritime Refuge-and I am allowed that thought. It has nothing to do with old traditions, signs, or boundaries-just being aware and grateful of the unique habitat we have here on Island.
My hope is that others see the Island as a refuge for the remaining shorebird species that return here; after a long arduous journey- seeking sanctuary.
**Please take into consideration the damage vehicles can impact on our delicate coast line.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 31, 2018
There is a breeding season and a time to every purpose “under Heaven”
– The Byrds
I am humbled as I sat patiently, and “caught” this moment in The Field…male Common Tern courting its mate. Keep your eyes peeled for this “fly & plunge for minnows ritual” within Hay Harbor, Fishers Island.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 25, 2018
I sat within the tidal pools along what I love to call Sanctuary of Sands west end; parallel to the runway here on Fishers Island. So happy to “report” what certainly appeared to me as an increase in this spring’s shorebird activity. Breeding and non-breeding plumage is visible on Ruddy turnstone, Killdeer and Black-bellied plover standing “Sentinel”.
** Please be mindful and leash dogs during this precious nesting time.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 24, 2018.
Shorebird Reunion!
I sat within the tidal pools along what I love to call Sanctuary of Sands west end; parallel to the runway here on Fishers Island. So happy to “report” what certainly appeared to me as an increase in this spring’s shorebird activity. Breeding and non-breeding plumage is visible on Ruddy turnstone, Killdeer and Black-bellied plover standing “Sentinel”.
** Please be mindful and leash dogs during this precious nesting time.
– from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 24, 2018.
It was a mirror-calm afternoon up east within Fishers Island Sound.
Typically this clan of seals will haul off and out by May’s end.
Based on my monitoring notes from past years; we can expect a mid- September “homecoming”.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 19, 2018
P.O. Box 553
Fishers Island, New York 06390
Phone: 631.788.5609
Fax: 800.889.9898
E-mail: [email protected]
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