Sanderling Pair by Justine Kibbe

Big Club beach:
These “large” Sandpipers scurry and probe foraging within wave tidal deposits.

* Thanks for helping me to narrow down this shore bird ID to Conservancy’s Adam Mitchell, Wildlife Biologist University of Deleware.

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, December 1, 2018

Just Around the Block

Islands appeared just a hop, skip and jump away from beautiful Big Club beach, Fishers Island.
Very peaceful here this gray day.

*Block Island

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 30, 2018

Hay Harbor's Great Blue Heron

Looks to be a juvenile keeping an eye on fish outside the “Tank”.

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 30, 2018

Eastbound Commute

“Red Right Returning”

*Scenic Byway

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 30, 2018

Morning Marine Traffic Report

“Steady as she Goes”:

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 30, 2018

Search for snowy by Justine Kibbe

I’m on owl prowl these days:
Keep your eyes peeled!

*Sanctuary of Sands, Fishers Island

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 29, 2018

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Snowy Owl’s arrival was documented last year on December 3.


Snowy owl by Justine Kibbe
Downy Woodpecker forager by Justine Kibbe

Downy woodpecker enjoys Sunday “Branch”.

From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, November 25, 2018

Belted Kingfisher by Justine Kibbe
Barred Owl in Marshy Woods by Justine Kibbe