This morning I needed to remind myself that the beauty and uniqueness of our Island far outweigh the so-called “winter doldrums”!
I thought too, to remind the community that there will be a quarterly Fishers Island Seagrass Management meeting Wed. (Jan. 30) from 1-4 p.m. at the Ferguson Museum. A coalition forming to preserve, restore and protect the fewer than 400 acres of eelgrass meadows hugging Fishers Island.
*stewardship is as stewardship does
From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 27, 2019
Right now in Silver Eel Cove, Fishers Island
3 degrees, NW26 G38, windchill -20 degrees
From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 21, 2019
Total lunar eclipse underway…
*good night moon
From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 20, 2019
Red-tailed hawk perches patiently this late morning; awaiting a field mouse or two*….
*the eyes have it.
From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 19, 2019
Surging high tide “Overseas” old Navy dock this Sunday morning in Silver Eel Cove, Fishers Island.
PS. …with rollin’ thunder and lightning in January?!
From the Field, Video Snippet, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 19, 2019
Total lunar eclipse starring: SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON
Winter skies are the “happening place” this Saturday (1/19/19) 10:10 p.m. thru Sunday (1/20/19) 2:15 a.m. EST.
You’ll recognize the Super Moon by its size (truly closest to earth!) and by its reddish hues produced by shadow. By all means—something to howl about!
*blue moon over Parade Grounds, Fishers Island 7/31/15
From the Field, Field Note, Justine Kibbe, Jan. 18, 2019
Fishers Island Conservancy, Inc.
P.O. Box 553
Fishers Island, New York 06390
Phone: 631.788.5609
Fax: 800.889.9898
E-mail: [email protected]
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