Hornet's nest

Rounding the bend on Bike Path, Pickett Landfill-

Female Sulphur butterfly. Perhaps laying eggs on the leaf of the Black Locust. Some Sulphurs migrate South for the winter, although not as far as monarchs.

Bring. Butterflies. Back.

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 13, 2018


swallowsHundreds of Tree Swallows migrate thru south side, Fishers Island, hunkering within low trees this blustery morning.

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 18, 2018



Always happy to learn more about insects and bugs on Fishers Island.

Adam Mitchell, PhD:
“This butterfly* is a silver-spotted skipper, a native that feeds on legume plants during its caterpillar stage.”


*Driving Range up east

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Sept. 13, 2018


Heading out into The Field, Fishers Island.

Always a “story” to follow:
Deer. Raccoon. Coyote. Pheasant.

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 30, 2018

Wildlife biologist Mike Bottini says that, since 2008, the river otter’s range has doubled in size on Long Island. “I expect to see them on the South Shore [of Fishers Island] within the next couple of years,” he said.

From Mar. 21-23, 2013, Bottini surveyed 57 sites on Fishers Island by foot and kayak. Otter sign was noted at 24 sites, with scent stations (scat) found at 23 sites and otter tracks at one site. Two scent stations also had a den nearby. His survey was funded by a grant from FIConservancy.

These photos from Southold show typical river otter couches excavated amongst cattail reeds, usually in marshy areas. Please remark if you happen upon one this Autumn here on Fishers Island!

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 29, 2018.



…but without “competition” for Mom’s attentive feeding schedule.

Nestlings, Fort Wright,Fishers Island.

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 16, 2018


owlDuring our Island’s heat wave:

Young Barred Owl posing as “Harbor Master”
oversees activities along Silver Eel Cove.

Field Note, From the Field by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 8, 2018


Young Raccoons under canopy of old American Elm:

Silver Eel Cove, Fishers Island.

Field Note, From the Field by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 1, 2018


Yellow warbler:

Frequently sighted while walking or bicycling lovely Fishers Island.

*Becoming a “summer resident”.

Field Note, From the Field by Justine Kibbe, Aug. 1, 2018