Hail to Healthy Seagrass Meadows!


Healthy Seagrass Meadows by Justine Kibbe

These years I have been grateful for the opportunity to document and help bring attention to Seagrass Meadows surrounding our precious Fishers Island. Growing up here, I never imagined decades later there would be a dire need for Community to actively help restore, preserve and sustain this unique critical habitat.

*low tide, Hungry Point

From the Field, Field Note by Justine Kibbe, Oct. 18, 2018


There will be a Fishers Island Seagrass Management Meeting Tues Oct. 23rd in the Museum 1:30-4:00. All are welcome.

Guest speakers, Matias Tong, Data Technician, and Stephen Lloyd, Sr. Spatial Analyst/GIS Manager – both with the TNC – will present their analyses and results of the boating and eelgrass surveys conducted around Fishers Island last year. NYSDEC representative, Vicky O’Neill, will also attend.