2024 Spring Migratory Bird Count Results

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Announcing the results of the Spring 2024 Migratory Bird Count

We are excited to share the official tally of bird species encountered during our annual bird count, along with the “running count” that includes birds observed over the past two days. This springs birding event was remarkable, marking our most impressive count yet, with a grand total of 68 species recorded during the count. Adding the additional 8 species spotted in the running count, we reached an impressive total of 76 species! (See list of bird species below.)

Despite the chill, which might have deterred the raptors, we enjoyed a dry day with intermittent sunshine—a beautiful setting for our bird count. It’s no surprise that our most significant sightings occurred in areas rich with native flora. One highlight was the spotting of the Blue Winged Warbler. Remarkably, we hadn’t encountered one since our first watch over a decade ago, and yesterday, we were fortunate to observe three. Truly wonderful!

Bird counts play a pivotal role in understanding and preserving the rich biodiversity of our island. By documenting avian species year after year, we gain invaluable insights into the health of our island’s ecosystems, informing conservation efforts and ensuring a sustainable future for both our feathered friends and our community.

Here’s the list of species we encountered in our Spring 2024 Migratory Bird Count.

Thank you to all who participated.

Spring 2024 Bird Count
American crow
American goldfinch
American redstart
American robin
Baltimore oriole
Barn swallow
Black-capped chickadee
Brown-headed cowbird
Brown thrasher
Black-throated green warbler
Black-and-white warbler
Blackburnian warbler*
Blue-gray gnatcatcher*
Blue jay
Blue-winged warbler
Canada goose
Carolina wren
Chipping sparrow
Chimney swift
Common eider
Common grackle
Common loon*
Common yellowthroat
Chestnut-sided warbler
Double-crested cormorant
Downy woodpecker
Eastern kingbird
Eastern towhee
European starling
Fish crow*
Greater black-backed gull
Great blue heron
Great-crested flycatcher
Gray catbird
Great egret
Greater yellowlegs
Herring gull
House finch
Hooded merganser
House sparrow
House wren
Laughing gull*
Least tern
Magnolia warbler
Mourning dove
Northern bobwhite
Northern cardinal
Northern flicker
Northern mockingbird
Northern parula
Orchard oriole
Yellow warbler
Pine warbler
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-winged blackbird
Red-eyed vireo
Ring-necked pheasant
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Ruby-throated hummingbird*
Ruddy turnstone
Saltmarsh sparrow*
Song sparrow
Swainson's thrush*
Tree swallow
Tufted titmouse
White-eyed vireo
White-throated sparrow
Yellow warbler
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Yellow-rumped warbler*