Sentinel Spotlight: 2024 Horseshoe Crab Tagging

From May to July, FIC Sentinels, in partnership with FI School, assisted with the 2024 Marine District Horseshoe Crab Tagging & Population Count. The data gathered from this spawning survey will be used by the NYS DEC to assess the status of horseshoe crabs and support the management and conservation of this vital species.

The sentinels aimed to measure spawning abundance, size, and gather tagging data around full and new moon events. The process began at the rightmost side of Dock Beach, toward the Popeye dock, and extended to the bend on the leftmost side of the beach. Tagging was only conducted on horseshoe crabs that were not mating. Tags were placed on the left side of the shell toward the back, ensuring consistency in tag placement.

During the survey, sentinels recorded detailed information for each tagged horseshoe crab, including whether the crab was submerged or in the surf zone, its gender, age, coverage of barnacles or other organisms, width of the shell in centimeters, the tag number if distributed and a population count of all mating pairs and individuals.

By participating in this survey, the sentinels contributed to a greater understanding and protection of this ancient and important species. We are thrilled to have been part of this significant conservation effort. Thank you to all our dedicated sentinels for their hard work and commitment to conservation!