Join us on Saturday, August 3rd for Nature Day!

Dr. Adam Mitchell, 2023
9 AM: Dr. Adam Mitchell will give a Parade Ground tour of native and invasive plants and their impact on insects and birds.
From 2-5 PM stop by the Conservancy Table to learn more about what we do, to purchase fun Conservancy gear or take home some seed packets to sow in your own garden. Learn from FISM Coordinator Hannah Vagts about the FI Seagrass Management Coalition’s efforts to protect eelgrass.
The Fishers Island Research & Survey Team (FIRST) have many of the commonly found invasive plants on Fishers Island at the Invasives Table to aid in proper identification and will share updates on their most recent projects.
Swing by Fishers Island’s newly formed Pollinator Pathway Table to hear from Diana Fiske about how we can support pollinators on our island.
Do you love butterflies? Rainbows? Flowers? Have your face painted by Sue Greco.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated and grab a glass of water at the Refreshments Table before setting out to explore the Parade Grounds.

Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center at their Reptile and Birds Exhibit, 2023
Experience the StoryWalk as you go page by page through the children’s classic, Miss Rumphius. Continue along to the Insect Exhibit and learn about insects and bees from Conservancy board member and entomologist Dr. Marina Caillaud and her husband and fellow entomologist Dr. Bryan Danforth. Be sure to check out the kestrel and diamondback terrapin and other reptiles from the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center at their Reptile and Birds Exhibit! From there, follow the Conservancy’s own Michele Klimczak’s Path of Lost Soles, with soles collected over 10 months, along with sorted bins of trash collected from every accessible beach in just 3 short months including rope, straws, bottle caps, nip bottles, toys, plastic ware, personal care items, smoking items! The Path of Soles leads you to Nate Chaves’ art installation at the Battery Marcy bunker displaying art made from a variety of Michele’s marine debris and found objects.
Meander back to the Theater and don’t forget to enjoy an ice cream from Robin’s Ice Cream Truck before heading home.
9 PM Bug Night Adventure with Dr. Adam Mitchell near the Theater.
Calling all nature enthusiasts and bug lovers! Get ready for another Bug Night Adventure with entomologist Dr. Adam Mitchell. See insects in a whole new light as you witness a variety of critters drawn to large white sheets illuminated by mercury vapor lamps. Bring your friends and family for an exciting evening of discovery and learn about the fascinating lives, behaviors, and habits of insects that call the John Thatcher Native Garden home.