FIConservancy Helps FIFerry District With Native Grasses on New Berm
Two views of new 1200-ft. FIFerry District berm, (l) heading west away from ferry entrance and (r) heading east toward Silver Eel Cove.
The Fishers Island Conservancy is pleased to have been a part of the Fishers Island Ferry District’s new berm project at Silver Eel Cove. The following letter of thanks and appreciation from the Ferry District was published in the June 2022 Fog Horn:
To the Fishers Island Community,
This past winter, the Fishers Island Ferry District (FIFD) dredged the entrance channel to Silver Eel Cove yielding over 2500 cubic yards of clean sand. FIFD used the majority of that sand to create a covered and graded berm between the high tide line and the rear parking area.
Ideas about how best to plant the berm in order to stabilize and beautify it were tossed about. FIFD Management sought the advice of FIConservancy. The Conservancy Board was excited about the opportunity and offered to recommend, source and sponsor the planting of native grasses.
We can all see the results taking hold today over the entire 1200-ft. berm, as it winds west from behind the Coast Guard Station to the Ordnance Building. The berm remains off limits to foot traffic, while our plantings take hold.
Thank you Fishers Island Conservancy.
Fishers Island Ferry District