Four New Options Presented to Recoup Lost Revenue from “Sunset” Cancellation
In lieu of our popular event, “Sunset on the Beach”, FIConservancy is asking the Island community to consider supporting the four initiatives listed below. Canceling “Sunset” has caused a shortfall in revenue raised for these projects.
Your generosity in supporting any one of them
is greatly appreciated.
NEW LAND RESTORATION: There are land parcels on both the west end and east end of the Island that have been earmarked for restoration. In order to promote native plant growth, the parcels require clearing and removal of invasive plants.

NATIVE TREE INSTALLATION: Native trees attract native insects that are a critical food source for birds. Planting trees in west end locations will help increase and strengthen the native bird population on Fishers Island.
ISLAND SENTINELS PROGRAM: This program provides environmentally passionate students from both FI School and the seasonal community the opportunity to observe and monitor flora, fauna, insects, marine life and birds across the Island. This experience, combined with discussion and guidance, is creating future stewards of our environment.
TRACTOR: A new or used midsize 20hp-30hp tractor, ideally with a front end loader, a mower deck and a brush hog, will greatly enhance our ability to clear land restoration areas.
Sent as eBlast July 30, 2020