Osprey flies above abandoned nest at Four Corners on East End of Fishers Island. FIConservancy Photo
There are no answers. Just questions. The problem is reportedly not widespread, but there are fewer than half the fledgings on Fishers Island in 2019 (15) than there were in 2018 (34).
Ken Edwards Sr., speaking for the Ferguson Museum, said, “The site at Four Corners (Bagley Reid’s) was moved from the power line pole to the deMenil property, 100 feet to the south of the original pole, by the Fishers Island Electric Co. [for safety reasons], with most of the original nest [intact]. Birds came back but did not raise any young.
“Why so few young this year is a good question. The answer is not clear. Was it the cold wet spring? Not enough food?
“Osprey expert Alan Poole will be speaking at the Ferguson Museum on September 7. Join us, and perhaps he will have some answers.
“Thanks to Andrew Edwards and his drone for helping with the count.”
See Andrew’s osprey fledgling count on fishers island.net.