Insect Species Declining Could Be Catastrophic


According to Brett Molina in a USA Today article published February 12, 2019:
“More than 40 percent of the world’s insect species could go extinct over the next several decades leading to “catastrophic” results for the planet’s various ecosystems, a new study says.”

The study referred to was published in the peer-reviewed journal Biological Conservation. Highlights from the study abstract are:

  • Over 40% of insect species are threatened with extinction.
  • Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and dung beetles (Coleoptera) are the taxa most affected.
  • Four aquatic taxa are imperiled and have already lost a large proportion of species.
  • Habitat loss by conversion to intensive agriculture is the main driver of the declines.
  • Agro-chemical pollutants, invasive species and climate change are additional causes.


The loss of the native insects will have dire consequences for the rest of the life chain. For those who may have missed this article. We are not alone. And we are fighting the right conservation battle. According to Matt McGrath, Environment correspondent at BBC news “Global insect decline may see ‘plague of pests'”. . .