2018 Sunset on the Beach a Huge Success!
Guests view posters of Demonstration Garden, Grassland Restoration and Beach Clean-up.
Predicted rain held off for over 350 people who attended FIConservancy’s annual Sunset on the Beach, Sat. July 21, 2018 at the Fishers Island Club’s Beach Club.
Festivities were quickly underway as guests started arriving at 6 p.m., enjoying oysters, shrimp, drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Those in attendance were there to enthusiastically support the Conservancy’s ongoing efforts to protect the natural resources of Fishers Island.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Sunset on the Beach could not happen without your generous support!
Truman and Ludmila Bidwell
Jerry and Margot Bogert
Frank and Helen Bonsal
(In Memory of Penny Williams)
Isabel and Scott Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. James Bradbeer
Cary Brown and Steven Epstein
Jean Calhoun
Clark and Elizabeth Callander
Ralph and Lauryn Carbone
James and Laurie Carney
Mary and Ed Carpenter
Atwood and Cindy Collins
George and Leslie Conant
Steve and Cynnie Cook
Anne Cook and Peter Conze
Jean Crane
Dianne Crary
Sandy and Wesley Davidson
Dr. and Mrs. George de Menil
Chris Dewey and Nancy Clark
Chip duPont
Arnold Fisher and Sally Ogden
Ann Flinn
Lynn A. Foster
Porter and Mariel Goss
Mrs. Michelle Goss
Jane Harvey
Marje and Tony Helfet
Joe and Lucia Henderson
Mr. Winchester Hotchkiss
Rossie and Randy Hutcheson
Susan Jeffries
(In Memory of John Thatcher)
Mrs. Sheila Rauch Kennedy
Susan and Peter Lawrence
Laurie and Sam Marshall
Henry and Allison McCance
Mrs. Leslie McElwreath
John McGillian
Christy and Ted McGraw
Richard J Miller Jr
Phil and Heather Musser
Kathy and Ged Parsons
David C. and Maria W. Patterson
David and Dana Porter
Ru and Sheila Rauch
Charlie and Suzie Rentschler
Barbie Riegel
Ted and Thayer Rogers
Laurence and Betty Ann Rubinow
Mrs. Jennifer Russell
Tom and Allison Sargent
Cindy and Bill Scott
Tom Siebens and Mimi Parsons
Jun and Jo Sochi
Mr. Glenn Solomon
Tad Sperry and Ellen Harvey
Nick and Martha Spofford
Ben Strong
Christabel and Paul Vartanian
Anne and Charlie Wilmerding
Kelley and Donald Young