Archive for month: June, 2018
Helping Fishers Island Conservancy eradicate plant invasives and restore Critical Wildlife Habitat… Erick Jones, Nickia Gibson and Ben Sammarco from the University of Delaware. “The core invasive species we’re encountering are autumn olive, oriental bittersweet, and bush honeysuckle.”
PS. Incredibly tough work within 185 acres of historic Parade Grounds-inviting more insects, butterflies and migrating birds back each year.
– from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 26, 2018.
Mylar balloons floating across our Sounds are notorious for entangling and killing marine life.
This snippet was meant to show how similar the balloon can “appear” as a Jelly Fish, mistaken and ingested by Sea turtles.
Mylar balloons are devastating.
As stewards this summer, PLEASE pick-up and discard properly all debris.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 25, 2018
This video was taken in 2015-showing the biggest jelly fish species within Long Island and Fishers Island Sounds.
The arrival “season” for these jellies around our Island has differed these last 7 years –could be trends in climate and water temps.
*Sea Turtles depend on jelly fish as a main diet staple.
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 25, 2018
Riding home from the Village Market this eve (don’t forget your satchels!) I heard the call of a Northern Flicker – pedaled home to get my camera… So amazing to spy this nest cavity with young birds awaiting an evening meal.
PS. Keep your eyes peeled nearby Seven Gables driveway.
– from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 23, 2018.
Get ready for the extraordinary beauty along our Fishers Island Bike Path!
Please be safe – remember to wear your helmet and ring your bell…
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 23, 2018
This afternoon, Sanctuary of Sands:
Breeding pair of Least Terns sighted upon Critical Habitat recently recovered from red rock graffiti.
Note the Signs of the times-tread lightly, leash dogs.
I believe these birds are as pleased as I am!
~ Photos from the Field by Justine Kibbe June 21, 2018
Join us for a celebration of Fishers Island’s natural resources!
Saturday July 21st, 2018
6-8 pm on the Big Club Beach
Open Bar, Hors d’oeuvres, Raw Bar and Raffle Drawing.
“Cash Only” raffle – Bring your small bills!
Please consider Sponsoring this wonderful event.
NOTE: The FI Conservancy has a passionate and motivated team this year working on beach and marine debris clean up. We have spent the last two years turning this program into a year round initiative, collecting and disposing of debris in all public recreational areas, roads, habitats, etc. This program is imperative to the future and preservation of our shorelines and natural beauty that continues to amaze us here on Fishers Island. There are some areas we may have to access alongside properties and/or parking nearby.
Please contact Kristen Peterson at [email protected] for more information or how to get involved!
I am so very grateful to see the Heart of Island Stewardship-a “speedy recovery”; red rock graffiti ALL picked-up in just a day!
– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe June 8, 2018
Fishers Island Conservancy, Inc.
P.O. Box 553
Fishers Island, New York 06390
Phone: 631.788.5609
Fax: 800.889.9898
E-mail: [email protected]
How can you help?
Get Involved with the Fishers Island Conservancy!