Blue Bird

A female Eastern Bluebird feeds (this time looks like a spider for dinner) her brood on Fishers Island. Happy news! Bluebirds documented throughout winter 2017, it appears some have decided to call here “home”.

Piping Plover Eggs

Treasured nest and eggs found along Conservancy’s Sanctuary of Sands, parallel Elizabeth Field Runway. Please tread respectfully, leash all dogs, and take pride in our Island’s unique environment and wildlife.

father bluebird

– A Snippet from The Field by Justine Kibbe May 15, 2017.

Male Eastern Bluebird serves up Mother’s Day dinner for mate and brood here in a peaceful meadow, eastern Fishers Island.


– Field Note by Justine Kibbe May 9, 2017.

There once was a seal from Tiree, and with second sight voyaged the sea.

Swirling and sweeping in fathoms still keeping; all along its dreams did see.

Like tumult of wave pooled within tidal crag upon ancient cliffs off shore, this once wee flipperling finds rest to calmly reflect its lore.

Beneath night’s constellations glides this sojourner, within the constant of the mighty Milky Way…

Eavesdropping alongside wooden hulls, revealing to soaring gulls- those tales Clan warriors had to say.

And so it is our own life’s stories too – woven within the waves, but forever linked as the stars above; afar off as isles of our days.

** Fishers Island Harbor Seals readying for Annual haul-off, Fishers Island students learning the art of Storytelling & Local Traditional Knowledge