Killdeer Nest & All the Rest
Islanders have so much to share and talk about these days-after all with Summer folks pouring off the extra ferry boats and weekend guests touching down on the runway, there’s a lot of unfamiliar amidst the familiar.
I feel sometimes like someone shook my "Etch A Sketch" very vigorously. Like I have drawn this detailed map in my thoughts- memorized all the neighborhoods or ecosystems; tidal pools and beaches are community centers, even wrack lines; like little busy streets with the bustle of pipers, plovers, and peeps. I’m not surprised I have become genuinely attached and concerned for my wildlife neighbors. Add to this a bit of rhythm: of tides, ferry schedules, noon whistles, summer store hours, which family is renting what house; I’m not surprised I am so grateful for local traditional knowledge either.
So when friend and neighbor Lisa Eiriksson shared that she had spotted a delicate and “Oh” unbelievably discreet Killdeer nest I quickly hopped on my bicycle and rode across to South Beach.
There was mama Killdeer (perhaps the same pullover plover !) standing alert between rosehip bushes by the back pond there. I snuck up as not to disturb, happy I can now map out and post a few “tread lightly” signs here next year.