With all due respect to The 5th Dimension, I am not particularly convinced “The world’s a nicer place in my beautiful balloon.”
I have more than enough photo documentation to “release” that would suggest rubber, mylar, latex, and nylon balloon debris can be hazardous to our delicate Fishers Island ecosystems and habitats.
Some years ago, Suffolk County, LI. (includes Southold) with the persistence of heroic third graders aiding the Sea Turtle Conservancy, helped to declare through legislature, the banning of releasing over 25 helium filled balloons at one time. Imagine, simple letter writing and colorful, caring posters made a huge impact on conserving oceans and marine life.
I am aware that these next weeks, I will see washed up, tangled up, maybe even deflated ,tired, AND fed up balloons congratulating Graduates, acknowledging Mothers & Fathers.…..
Perhaps this summer season of celebration, reuniting, and happy festivities we can all be more sensitive, simple-even courageous. Bring on the cakes, the recyclable cards and just say “I Love You”.
BUT ban the balloons!
And if you think I might be “full of hot air”? take a walk around the circumference of our precious Island and see for yourselves…..