Annual Audubon Bird Count
With Twelve Days of Christmas nearing and “a partridge in a pear tree” somewhere….
I remind myself to help promote the 114th Annual Christmas Bird Count supported here on Island by the Henry Ferguson Museum December 28th.
This Citizen Science Survey encourages the Naturalist in all of us as we can help volunteer to bridge Local Traditional Knowledge (LTK) with Science and collect data that will help document worldwide species habitat and migratory trends.
I feel it is being part of that “Neighborhood Wildlife Watch” idea that embraces Fishers Island, becomes familiar with its unique environment, shares pertinent information, and ultimately better protects and conserves for the future.
So, if you’re looking to gift a bit more than “5 golden rings” this year…
Lookouts at Hungry Point, Dock Beach, and The Peninsula all have diverse species in numbers AND quite a few flying solo:
Canada geese, Common Eider, Cormorant, Merganser, Bufflehead, Brant, Swan, Blue Heron, Kingfisher, Loon …
Don’t forget to be still and listen too. You’ll hear Pheasant, Jays, Cardinal, Crow, Catbird, Chickadee-dee-dee and who knows maybe even that partridge!