Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge & Little Torch Key, Florida

The small Key Deer and slow Gopher Tortoise are steady beachgoers here.

I enjoy the privilege of encountering these animals as I explore Floridian coastal marine preserves.

Both are listed as endangered species and are protected- their populations now becoming more visible and I might add more “tolerant and easygoing” with human activities.

It was nearly noontime on my nature trails when I heard a distinct crunching sound and spied the tortoise grazing on shrubs outside her sandy burrow.

The numerous small deer peer frequently from the shady swamp mangroves.  And “heads-up!” were last seen in a Winn Dixie parking lot.

Crystal River, Florida

Time: 6:30am. Temperature: 28 Water Temp: 72

It’s early morning and I am shivering a bit and squinting my eyes to adjust through the clouds of sea smoke rising off the river.

I am laughing a bit too. I had thought a little walkabout to southern waters and National Wildlife Refuges would help me to learn about the different marine ecosystems comparable to Fishers Island.

Well, the weather is the same today-maybe even chillier…

But alas my vision becomes clearer.

My walkabout becomes an amazing “swimabout” with many Manatees this particular morning congregating in Crystal River enjoying the warmth of the underground springs.

Natural Wonders have this naturalist feeling wonderful!