Friday August 24 @ 12:25 pm: Observed first Coyote on back dirt road by Burr Residence. Very wolf like about 75lbs.Stopped in middle of the dirt road, had eye contact and returned to bushes on left. No doubt the noon whistle disturbed a summer’s nap in time for lunch
Archive for month: August, 2012
On a mid August evening, while sitting upon a large rock to the right on Chocomount overlooking the Wreck of the Thelma Pheobe I observe two Ospreys dive with torpedo -like precision. One snatches a Porgy and heads west overhead.
I also see what appears to be a bobbing piece of driftwood. Then I think, no it’s a wee baby Sand shark with a swish of its fin. I walk waist deep into the surf and discover a Snapping turtle. An unusual sight I’m thinking. The turtle stretches its neck to get a better view of the shore. It swims and crawls upon the first seaweed covered rock perhaps heading for the brackish pond beyond… “ahh Terra Firma” I announce in a congratulatory way…or is that “Terrapin Firma”!
The Fishers Island Conservancy is pleased to announce that the first recipient of a Conservancy 25th Anniversary Grant, the Osprey Cam Project, has launched!
In February 2012, the Conservancy Board unanimously voted to make a grant to the H. L. Ferguson Museum to fully fund the costs of establishing the Osprey Cam.
Many thanks go to the work of our Grant Program Committee, to the Board’s support of the Grant Program and to donors to our 25th Anniversary Grant Fund.
We all now have web access to a special view on the nesting activities of Fishers Island ospreys.
The Osprey Cam can be viewed live here.
A view of Stony Beach from Hay Harbor beach.
Fishers Island Conservancy, Inc.
P.O. Box 553
Fishers Island, New York 06390
Phone: 631.788.5609
Fax: 800.889.9898
E-mail: [email protected]
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